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Skin concerns can often be caused by internal factors within our bodies as well as external environmental factors

Our skin as a mirror to our internal health

Imbalances in our overall health can lead to skin irritations and breakouts. For our bodies to be in good health, they need to be in balance. We may be living a healthy lifestyle but our bodies can still have an intolerance to an element within it, such as eggs or dairy.


Transform your skin through an alkaline lifestyle

One of the key principles of healthy living is supporting the body’s natural ph balance and reducing inflammation. Bringing the body back into balance will help achieve healthy, happy skin from the inside out. This involves taking a holistic approach to your diet, movement, stress, breathwork and sleep.

Reset your body for optimal skin health

The most important discovery that a person can make is to know that they can reset their bodies. This brings the body back into a state of balance allowing it to function at it’s best.

At Sönd we offer a range of services to help you find out the cause of your body's imbalances and what lifestyle changes need to be made to address them.

Alkaline health and detox plan

This book covers the most important elements to support your body's natural alkaline state, keep inflammation levels low and help you achieve a healthy body, mind and glowing skin.

This will allow you to stop feeling lost and give you the knowledge you need to make the required changes to reach your health and skin goals.

Food intolerance test

If we eat foods that our body has an intolerance to, it can cause internal inflammation. If this continues over a longer period of time it can build up and end up leading to skin irritations and breakouts.

Our food intolerance test analyses 260 food varieties to see if your body has an intolerance to any of them.

Skin revival personal lifestyle plan

If your skin is misbehaving and you feel you have tried everything to get it under control it might be time to take 360° view and find the underlying cause. Dr Anna Brilli has over 30 years experience and has helped hundreds of people get control over their skin.

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