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What is dry skin and how to identify it
What is Dry Skin and What Are the Common Causes? If you think you may have dry skin, you’re probably searching the internet for ways of identifying...

Psoriasis symptoms and causes
What Are the Causes of Psoriasis and its Symptoms? Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, which manifests as a chronic skin problem and typically pr...

SPFs: Should we wear them every day?
Should You Wear SPF Everyday? Take the time to read much of the information available on good skincare and most of it will give the same basic advi...

Does stress affect skin
How Does Stress Affect Skin? Stress is a combination of natural psychological and physical reactions we have in response to certain stimuli, be the...

How our diet affects our skin
How Does Diet Affect Skin Health? We are what we eat, right? (Or we are at least according to the German philosopher, Ludwig Feuerbach, who first c...

How sleep affects our skin
How Sleep Affects the Skin Who doesn't enjoy sleep? At the end of a busy day, slipping between the sheets and resting on heads on our pillow for a ...

Best cleanser for acne
Best Cleanser for Acne Prone Skin For those of us living with acne prone skin (us included), finding the right skin care is essential for managing ...

Does Drinking Water Help Your Skin?
Does Drinking Water Help Your Skin? We all know the drill, don’t we? Eat five portions of fruits and vegetables by the time we go to bed, walk 10,0...

When Should I Throw Away Skin Care Products?

When skin care products are opened (as in, the foil seal is removed), they immediately become exposed to the air. So when do we need to throw them away?

How to Get Rid of Acne Skincare Routine
Unlike many faceless skin care brands that cater for your type of skin, we do things differently here at Sönd. We understand the workings of the skin, especially skin that’s prone to acne or any other distressing skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema or psoriasis.

Caring for oily skin
How to Care for Oily Skin Having oily skin can mean a constant battle with the shine. Most of us want glowing skin, but people with oily skin tend ...

Everyday Irritants That Can Upset Our Skin
A look at the common skin irritants to consider if your skin is stressed out or acting up.

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