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Skincare for Combination Skin
You know that feeling, when you simply can’t make up your mind? When you can’t decide if you want the pasta dish or the chicken at your favourite r...

How to get rid of forehead acne
Acne on the forehead is a common skin complaint typified by red bumps and spots along the hairline extending downwards towards the eyebrows. These ...

How To Get Rid of Back Acne: Products and Treatments  back acne
Acne is a distressing skin condition characterised by whiteheads, blackheads, pus filled spots called pustules and angry, red, inflamed skin. Most...

The Contraceptive Pill for Acne
If you struggle with flare-ups of acne and breakouts, then we hear you. We developed the Sönd skincare brand of alkalising products because we als...

Spot & Acne Care for Darker Skin Tones
Fingerprints aren’t the only bit of skin that are totally unique to us. Every single human’s skin has different and distinct needs, triggers, struc...

Pimple Popping 101
Of course, the best thing to do for spots is to leave it well alone - you’re interfering with your body’s healing process and causing extra inflamm...

Acne overview
Acne is characterised by comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and pustules (puss filled spots). Acne is usually found on the face, neck back and c...

Treating pregnancy acne symptoms
If you’re pregnant and experiencing troublesome pregnancy acne, then you’re not alone. Pregnancy can cause many of its own, completely normal, worr...

Options available for treating acne
In this article Get an understanding of what is causing the acne Getting rid of Acne - What treatment options are available? Taking a holistic ap...

Causes of acne
In this article Genetic causes of acne  How hormones cause acne  Acne during puberty  Dietary supplements can lead to acne Medical conditions that ...

Topical treatments for acne
In this article Erythromycin benzoyl peroxide topical gel Salycic acid  Glycolic acid Topical sulphur products  Topical retinoids Azelaic acid crea...

Treating acne naturally
In this article Can diet cause acne? Balance hormones to reduce acne Can stress cause acne? Does exercise cause or reduce acne? How to get red of a...

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