How to reverse ageing body changes

Ageing. Getting Older. Maturing. There we said it. As uncomfortable as it might make some of us, we’re all ageing. And as we do, our skin changes. Taking care of your skin as it matures and adapting to its changing needs is essential if you want to maintain that healthy glow. Fine lines and wrinkles as well as darkening of the skin around the eyes are early signs of ageing skin, and whilst it’s important to embrace them, you aren’t completely powerless when it comes to keeping them at bay. We’ve put together a helpful guide to get you started.


Don’t worry, we aren’t suggesting you start getting things injected into your face. But collagen is one of those words that shows up whenever we are talking or reading about anti-ageing products. But what is it? Put simply, collagen is a structural protein, which accounts for somewhere in the region of 30 percent of the body's total protein composition. It is present in all of the body's organs and is the main component of connective tissue. Its primary function is to sustain and provide structural integrity to the skin, tendons and cartilage.

So, what does that have to do with fine lines and wrinkles? As we age, often starting in our 20’s, the amount of collagen we produce starts to decrease – leaving our skin less full and firm. On top of that, the quality of the collagen in our face starts to deteriorate. The collagen and elastin become fragmented and thick. It’s this that leads to those pesky crow’s feet. Interestingly, breakdown in elastin and collagen is more prevalent in facial skin, which is why often our faces show signs of ageing before the rest of our bodies.

Whilst this deterioration in quality of the collagen and elastin is inevitable, there are a few lifestyle changes you can make to slow down the process. A healthy diet, keeping hydrated and not smoking will all work to keep your collagen working better for longer.

There are also a number of collagen producing and collagen containing products available. They work to slow down the deterioration of collagen within the body and attempt to boost overall collagen production. Orally consumed collagen products have shown promising results in helping to improve the appearance of ageing skin. In fact, one study provides evidence of these kinds of products noticeably out performing a placebo and suggests that a supplement used in this way, can reduce the appearance of wrinkles by as much as 20 percent in eight weeks.

Then there’s the creams. So many creams. But do collagen creams work? Many anti-ageing creams, night creams and eye cream products contain collagen boosting ingredients. Although conclusive evidence of the body being able to absorb collagen through the skin is lacking, some of these products do produce promising results in combating the appearance of ageing. Try a few, give them at least 6 weeks and find what works for you and what doesn’t.

If you’re looking to get started with collagen boosting products, many of the topical and supplemental products produced by Sönd contain silica. Silica has been shown to boost the body's production of collagen, enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture, strengthen the structure of the skin itself and soothe inflammation and irritation. As a result, these products can restore elasticity and make skin appear and feel healthier. And they are particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin types.

As well as silica, some of the most notable ingredients to look out for when trying to keep wrinkles at bay are: lactic acid, phytosqualane, moringa oleifera, phytosqualane, hemp oil and hyaluronic acid. In particular, Sönd Sidekick Day Cream is a good option for a day cream, because it contains both silica and pentavitin, which work to strengthen the skin and keep it moisturised. Meanwhile, the moringa oleifera and phytosqualane contained within the product help to restore elasticity and soften the skin.

Can beauty sleep reverse the signs of ageing?

Dark circles are another common sign of ageing. And whilst it might sound obvious, if you’ve got dark circles forming under your eyes, you might just need a few more Z’s. When we sleep, our damaged cells repair themselves. When we don’t get enough deep sleep, small breakdowns in our cells don’t get a chance to repair and begin to accumulate, causing our skin to look tired and less healthy.

Sleep is also a magical time for collagen. It’s during deep sleep that the body releases growth hormones. These hormones aid new cell production and most importantly, collagen synthesis. Just a few more hours sleep could yield a noticeable improvement in the appearance of your skin. In fact, studies have shown that sleeping sleeping 7 hours as opposed to 5 can lead to a 50% reduction in the development of fine lines and wrinkles in the skin around the eyes.

So, what can you do to improve your sleep?

  • Don't eat a big meal too late in the evening, allow at least 2-3 hours between dinner and going to bed.
  • Avoid using electronics in the bedroom such as your laptop or your phone, try to read a book instead.
  • Have a chamomile tea before bed - it helps to unwind and relax after a long day.
  • Avoid using detergents with strong fragrances.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day, but not before going to bed.
  • Don’t use electronic devices 90 minutes before going to sleep. Electronic device screens give of blue daylight spectrum light which is the colour of the sun which is stimulating and energizing to our systems.
  • Lie on your back as lying on your stomach can cause liquid to pool under your eye throughout the night causing puffiness.
  • Reduce alcohol intake as it stops the body from being able to go into REM sleep.

With all of this in mind, it’s important to love and take care of your skin at every age. You’re never too young or too old to start taking care of yourself, and a great skin care routine is as good a place as any to start.

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