Benefits of coconut oil on face

If you've ever wondered, “is coconut oil good for your face?”, you've come to the right place. There are plenty of ways you can use this healthy oil in your facial skincare routine. It's affordable, easy to find and contains nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy and youthful.

Coconut oil products used in conjunction with Sönd's night cream get some pretty great results. But as well as that, here’s the lowdown on exactly why coconut oil is good for your face and how it can be used.

In this Article

Coconut Oil to Cleanse Your Face
Coconut Oil to Remove Your Makeup
Plumping Your Lips with Coconut Oil
Highlighting Your Cheeks with Coconut Oil
Whiten Your Teeth and Freshen Bad Breath with Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil to Smooth and Hydrate Your Skin
Reduce Skin Redness and Irritation with Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil for Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Benefits of Coconut Oil on the Face - Protecting Your Skin
Coconut Oil for Dark Spots
What’s the Best Type of Coconut Oil for the Face
Who Shouldn’t Use Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil to Cleanse Your Face

You know you're supposed to wash your face morning and night? Cleansing twice a day helps to keep the skin fresh and clean and having some coconut oil on hand helps you get the job done.

Coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties and using it to wash your face is one of the best ways of incorporating it into your skincare routine.

But how to use coconut oil for skin, exactly? Well, it's easy to do. Simply rub the oil in circular motions onto dry skin, add a touch of water to make a creamy emulsion, then rinse everything away with warm water.

Coconut Oil to Remove Your Makeup

It’s not just cleansing away dirt, coconut oil on the face also removes makeup. It's super important to remove your makeup each night before bed because sleeping with makeup on can lead to breakouts and other skin issues.

Coconut oil makes light work of removing even the heaviest makeup, and it even works on waterproof mascara. Simply put a few drops of liquid coconut oil on a cotton wool ball or pad and gently swipe it over your face. The oil removes makeup and hydrates your skin at the same time. Remember to rinse when you're done.

Plumping Your Lips with Coconut Oil

Rubbing a dab of coconut oil onto your lips helps to moisturise chapped, dry lips, plumping them at the same time. You can also add a bit of lip gloss to your coconut oil to naturally and easily tint your lips for hours at a time.

Another option is to mix a dab of coconut oil with brown sugar and use it as a gentle scrub for exfoliating your lips, removing dry skin flakes and restoring their natural plumpness.

Highlighting Your Cheeks with Coconut Oil

What does coconut oil do for your skin? Well, as if cleansing, removing makeup and lip plumping aren’t enough, it even works as a highlighter! A highlighter can work wonders on a dull complexion and can really wake up your skin (even if you’re tired on the inside).

Coconut oil is a natural and easy to use alternative to traditional highlighter. All you have to do is swipe just a tiny dab of coconut oil on top of your makeup. The oil will add a healthy sheen to your skin and help reflect the light in just the right way.

Whiten Your Teeth and Freshen Bad Breath with Coconut Oil

Everyone suffers from bad breath at least once in their lifetime. Instead of gum or mints, try oil pulling with coconut oil.

By swishing liquid coconut oil in your mouth, you help remove the toxins and bacteria that cause bad mouth odour. You'll need to swish the oil for at least 15 minutes, or until it turns a thick, white colour.

Once sufficient time has passed, spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with warm water. Done on a regular basis, you'll find that you always have fresh breath.

Coconut Oil to Smooth and Hydrate Your Skin

The benefits of applying coconut oil on your face overnight are plentiful, as we’ve seen here. In addition to that, coconut oil helps to support the health and integrity of the skin’s natural barrier function.

It does this by effectively trapping moisture inside the skin, helping to keep the skin hydrated and feeling soft and supple.

Go to the kitchen now and dig out your tub of coconut oil if you have some. Rub a tiny amount into the skin on the back of your hand. Can you feel the instant smoothing effect? The benefit of applying coconut oil to your face overnight is that this will have an accumulative effect and will improve the texture of your skin over time.

Reduce Skin Redness and Irritation with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil for the face will also help to reduce any irritated, red, angry or inflamed skin you may have. Coconut oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, meaning that it can work wonders for inflamed skin.

It’s also a very soothing oil, ideal for redness and chafing if they occur.

Coconut Oil for Wrinkles and Fine Lines

As if this wondrous skin ingredient isn’t amazing enough, when used on a regular basis, it can also be used to reverse the visible signs of ageing!

Coconut oil contains a compound called lauric acid, which supports the production of collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and has a structural role in the skin. It helps to keep the skin supple, lifted and youthful - but sadly, we lose collagen as we grow older, hence why we experience visible skin ageing.

Helping to support the production of collagen with coconut oil could therefore be beneficial for reversing these visible signs of ageing including fine lines and wrinkles.

Coconut oil for wrinkles? Yes please!

Also, coconut oil contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that help to neutralise skin stressors such as toxins and environmental pollutants that can also be ageing on the skin.

Benefits of Coconut Oil on the Face - Protecting Your Skin

Since coconut oil helps to support the skin’s natural barriers and acts as a barrier itself, one of the other benefits of coconut oil on the face is its protective qualities. It helps to shield the skin from harsh weather conditions and dirt and toxins in the air.

Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties that helps to defend the skin against bacteria and other microbial nasties.

Coconut Oil for Dark Spots

Does coconut oil lighten the skin? To an extent, yes. The vitamin E and fatty acids in coconut oil help to nourish the skin which in turn can help to even out the skin tone. It may also help to reduce the appearance of dark areas of skin.

What’s the Best Type of Coconut Oil for the Face?

Coconut oil can be found in various different qualities. Like anything we put on our skin, the best type of coconut oil for the face is one that’s organic, virgin and cold pressed. This kind of high quality coconut oil has retained the most amount of beneficial skin nutrients as it hasn’t been overly processed.

Try to avoid the cheaper types of coconut oils used in cooking, as these won’t have the skin benefits we’ve been talking about here.

Who Shouldn’t Use Coconut Oil?

As with most skincare products and routines, using coconut oil may be a case of trial and error for you. Whilst most people can tolerate coconut oil on their skin, and they’ll reap the benefits, some skin types can react to coconut oil with blocked pores and blackheads.

If you're in doubt, use it sparingly, on a small section of your face for a few days to see if you have any type of reaction.

Sönd's night cream is great to incorporate coconut oil into your routine in a gentle, yet effective way.

As you can see, there are many ways to use coconut oil in your beauty routine. You can use them all or just a couple. Either way, you'll love the results and will enjoy the versatility and affordability of coconut oil.


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